1. Frankie & Matilda Learn Excel: Who eats the most?
(Version 2013 & 2016)
Frankie & Matilda Learn Excel is the very first book about our adventures on the computer. We hope you enjoy learning about Excel as much as we do.
It’s available to download from Amazon Kindle. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-0-5
You can order a printed copy also from Amazon now. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-1-2
Please tell your friends 🙂
2. Frankie & Matilda Learn to Pivot Data: Isn’t Excel Fantastic?
(Version 2013 & 2016)
After a long, long wait, Frankie & Matilda are finally going to learn a little about Pivot Tables. Hurrah!
Available to download from Amazon Kindle. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-2-9
You can order a printed copy also from Amazon. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-3-6
3. Frankie & Matilda Learn PowerPoint: It’s party time!
(Microsoft 365 / 2019 version)
Frankie & Matilda continue their adventures with a dip into PowerPoint!
Available to download from Amazon Kindle. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-6-7
You can order a printed copy also from Amazon. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-4-3
4. Frankie & Matilda Learn Excel 2.0
(Microsoft 365 / 2019 version)
An updated version of books one and two in one book.
Available to download from Amazon Kindle.
You can order a printed copy also from Amazon. ISBN No: 978-0-9932125-5-0